
Currently the students are prepared for All India Secondary School Examination (AISSE) Class X and All India Senior Secondary School Examination (AISSSE) Class XII as per the bifurcated syllabus stipulated by the Board. Subjects offered at the School level for Class X are – English (Course A), Hindi (Course B), Mathematics, Science with practical, Social Studies, Punjabi, Physical and Health Education, Art and Craft and Work Experience. Courses taught from the Middle School levels are designed to give students a firm grounding in these subjects. Moral Instruction and Value Education are imparted regularly. Computer familiarization is offered from Class I itself.

At the Senior Secondary level the following streams are offered to the Students – Medical, Non-Medical and Commerce. All classes have regular Physical Education Periods, Art and Craft, Singing, Dramatics, Science Clubs, etc.

The School offers a wide range of co-curricular activities including a variety of indoor and outdoor games, cultural and quasi academic programmes.

There are four Houses: St. John (Blue), St. Paul (Red), St. Agnes (Green) and St. Theresa (Yellow) each having its own motto.

Student involvement in school organization is directly through a system of student representatives including a School Captain, School Vice- Captain, House Captains and Vice-Captains, Class Monitors and Assistant Monitors and Prefects.

The Academic workload is divided into two Summative Assessments during the scholastic year besides the four Formative Assessments, for the benefit of students. Marks obtained in these Assessments will be counted in the Final Assessment.

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